If you have an idea about SEO what is it, then you might want to know why people use SEO techniques. Here are the main reasons why site owners use SEO methods:

Improved Page Rank

SEO techniques serve to enhance the relevance of the site so that the search engines can assign it a better page rank. A better page rank means greater visibility of the website that brings along with it, a string of other benefits, too.

Traffic Influx

If you are doing an online business, you want maximum traffic on your site. When your site has gone through SEO, it will undoubtedly have a greater flow of traffic, which will give your business the boost it needs. This influx coming your way would be free-of-cost and natural, directly from the search engines. Also, since the visitors on your webpage will be those who are searching for something similar, it will be good for your business.

Free Promotion Of Your Site

Search engine optimization will increase your page rank which in turn, makes the visibility of your site better in searches. All this equates to having free advertisements. If you keep optimizing your site, it will make certain that more and more people view it, which promotes your product or brand without any extra charges. It will increase the awareness of your offers and promote your business, well.